Goodna State School holds a variety of special events during the year.These events are always advertised in the school newsletter and in the news and events screen on this website. Some of these events include:
Held on ANZAC day, 25 April or the closest school day each year. Goodna State School has a proud tradition of hosting a ceremony and morning tea for local veterans and invites RSL members, members of parliament and community members to attend. Students and staff also participate each year in the Goodna district march.
NAIDOC week celebrations
These celebrations include a variety of indigenous education, displays and cultural acknowledgement. Elders from our local community are invited for an assembly and morning tea during this week long celebration.
Easter hat parade
The Easter hat parade is held for prep to year 3 students each year on the Thursday before Easter annually. The students prepare their hats and bonnets and proudly parade them for the school community, parents and caregivers at a special assembly.
Community night
Community night is our multi-cultural school fete held every second year. This is generally held in September on a Friday night and celebrates the multi-cultural backgrounds of many of our students by recognising our Indigenous, Samoan, Asian and Indian cultures through food and dance.
Showcase awards
Showcase awards recognise and acknowledge great student effort as well as results. These are held in the last part of each term and are themed to link to Key Learning Areas of the curriculum. A class 'Citizenship Award' is also awarded with a badge at these ceremonies to reward students who show great behaviour or ability to continuously make great choices.
School captains ceremony
The School captains ceremony is held in the early part of year to announce and congratulate those students who have been successful in their nomination for a school leadership position. Positions include School Captains, House Captains, Lead Ambassadors.
Year 6 graduation
Every year in the last week of term four we farewell our year six students with a graduation ceremony that acknowledges their time and achievements during their primary schooling. There are usually other associated celebrations for graduating students including a luncheon and an excursion.