
Homework Policy



At Goodna State School holistic learning is our core focus. We also recognise that children will grow when school and home are working together as a team, in a strong and equal partnership.

Just like our individual students, we acknowledge that families have unique responsibilities, needs and ways of working.

Consistent with this belief, the school will not set formal or compulsory homework. We do not promote a standard or rigid expectation (a one-size fits all philosophy) at Goodna Sate School regarding home learning. Instead we have developed a flexible Learning at Home guide that will provide families with information to develop their own ‘homework’ approach. A balance in connecting the learning between school and home.

Learning at Home Guide

The following guidelines are to be recognised and implemented:

  • All students are encouraged to read every night as READING IS THE FOUNDATION OF LEARNING.
  • The PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus for each fortnight will be posted on the school's social media pages, for families to be able to talk about the intent and how this will help.
  • Literacy and numeracy tasks, pre-set by class teachers, will be available via our school's chosen online platforms (Reading Eggs and Mathletics). Please note that supervised opportunities to access computers, laptops and iPads will be scheduled before school, to support those families that do not have devices or connectivity at home.
  • An information booklet for each year level will provide ideas for other age appropriate activities that can be completed however will not be marked by staff.
  • Written tasks will not be set but we encourage families to foster a love of writing by making paper and writing tools (pens, pencils, felts and or crayons) available at home.
  • The school will continue to provide a range of voluntary extra-curricular school clubs (e.g. Homework Club, Science Club, Math Club) outside of school hours as part of the HEROES Program. Parent permission will be required for these activities.
  • Additional home readers will be available upon parent request.
  • The holistic development of each child is a priority. Goodna Heroes are encouraged to:
    • join teams and clubs in the community
    • play and be active
    • pursue interests and hobbies
    • spend time with family and friends
    • help out at home
    • learn life skills
    • fulfil other family commitments
    • develop growth mindsets


The Goodna State School Homework Policy was created following a consultative process of staff and the P&C Association.

Effective Date – January 2022

Last reviewed 18 February 2022
Last updated 18 February 2022